Leo the Late Bloomer by Robert Krause

In Leo the Late Bloomer, Leo isbehind his friends in reading,writing, drawing, eating neatlyand speaking. When Leo’sfather becomes concerned,Leo’s mother explains that Leois simply a late bloomer. Later,in his own […]

Pete and Pickles by Berkely Breathed

This is a sweet book aboutacceptance and unexpectedfriendship, and a pig who islonely, but just doesn’t know it.Pete is a perfectly predictable,practical, uncomplicated pig.At least, he was . . . […]

The Bad Seed by Jory John

This is a book about a seed– a bad seed. He has a badtemper, bad manners, and a badattitude. He knows he’s bad.Everyone thinks he’s bad. So,he acts bad. But […]

The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate

This Newberry Award winning chapterbook is told through the eyes of Ivan, asilver back gorilla who has been livingin captivity for 27 years. The bookbegins with Ivan living at the […]

Wild About Us! by Karen Beaumont

Wild About Us is a cleverlywritten and beautifullyillustrated book about thecelebration of differences.Warty Warthog takes youon a journey through thezoo, looking at ways hiszoo friends embrace thatwhich makes them unique,whether […]

One by Katherine Otoshi

This is a simple picture bookabout the power of beingyourself and standing up tobullies. It shows childrenthat one person can make adifference. Discussion questions: Activities:

Exclamation Mark by Amy Krouse Rosenthal

This is a creative story aboutan exclamation mark whofeels out of place aroundall the periods. He wantsdesperately to fit in. Hemeets a question mark andsoon discovers how exciting it can […]

Ish by Peter Reynolds

Ramon loves to draw – untilhis older brother makes funof his drawings. Then oneday, he finds someone whoenjoys his work – his littlesister. From her he learnsthat his drawing of […]