The Inclusion Library is a hub for books for all ages about disability inclusion and awareness. Please peruse the virtual shelves and click on each book for more information including discussion prompts and suggested activities for your Unified readers. Schools can use their Amazon Bookshelf Vouchers to purchase books.

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Becoming Confident By Katelyn Andrist

Description: Becoming Confident” is an engaging children’s book that empowers young readers to embrace their journey toward self-confidence and emotional intelligence. Through sharing my personal... READ MORE

Living In Variety by Mariah Turner and Laila Johnston

Description: “Living In Variety” is a story that follows young Emmanuel Parker and his family as they move into their new home. Written and illustrated... READ MORE

Driven To Ride: The True Story Of An Elite Athlete Who Rebuilt His Leg, His Life, And His Career by Mike Schultz

Overview: A high-octane memoir of unflappable determination from an X-Games and Paralympics champion. When “Monster” Mike Schultz won snowboarding gold in Pyeongchang, South Korea, it... READ MORE

The Sun Is Also A Star by Nicola Yoon

Natasha is a Jamaican born illegal immigrant facing deportation because of the mistakes of her father. Her family may be resigned to leaving New York,... READ MORE

Planet Earth is Blue by Nicole Panteleakos

Twelve-year-old Nova is eagerly awaiting the launch of the space shuttle Challenger–it’s the first time a teacher is going into space, and kids across America... READ MORE

Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus by Dusti Bowling

Description: Aven Green loves to tell people that she lost her arms in an alligator wrestling match, or a wildfire in Tanzania, but the truth... READ MORE

Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon by Patty Lovell

We are all unique, and no onemore so than Molly Lou Melon.She is short and clumsy, hasa voice like a bullfrog andhas buck teeth so... READ MORE

Leo the Late Bloomer by Robert Krause

In Leo the Late Bloomer, Leo isbehind his friends in reading,writing, drawing, eating neatlyand speaking. When Leo’sfather becomes concerned,Leo’s mother explains that Leois simply a... READ MORE

Pete and Pickles by Berkely Breathed

This is a sweet book aboutacceptance and unexpectedfriendship, and a pig who islonely, but just doesn’t know it.Pete is a perfectly predictable,practical, uncomplicated pig.At least,... READ MORE

The Bad Seed by Jory John

This is a book about a seed– a bad seed. He has a badtemper, bad manners, and a badattitude. He knows he’s bad.Everyone thinks he’s... READ MORE

The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate

This Newberry Award winning chapterbook is told through the eyes of Ivan, asilver back gorilla who has been livingin captivity for 27 years. The bookbegins... READ MORE

Wild About Us! by Karen Beaumont

Wild About Us is a cleverlywritten and beautifullyillustrated book about thecelebration of differences.Warty Warthog takes youon a journey through thezoo, looking at ways hiszoo friends... READ MORE